Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beachy rope letter

Well it has definitely been a while since I've posted a craft for you guys!
The new semester at school has started and I have been busy with that, the sorority parents weekend and also my new internship! So exciting! But here I am with a new craft for you guys! =)

This one is reallllyyyy inexpensive and reallllllyyyy simple! 
I saw a cardboard letter in the Target $1 section and figured why not get it and figure out something to make it with, which I knew I could with Pinterest.  

All you need is:
Cardboard (or wooden) letter
Jewelry rope from Michael's
Hot glue gun
Mini sand dollars from Hobby Lobby
Paint (not necessary)

This is a fairly basic project so there won't be many directions, I'll just show with pictures.  One suggestion I have is to not hot glue every bit of the rope.  I would wrap it tight and then periodically hot glue, pretty much on the sides.  The bottom and top of the M I also painted a brown that matches the rope which you do not have to do.  So here are the directions in pictures.  

Its that simple!!

Happy crafting!
Mel =)