Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beach sign!

I'm Back!!!! 
I was gone for 2 weeks for sorority recruitment so I couldn't post a blog.

This sign is along the same guidelines as the last sign.
I made this for a friend, based off of a sign he saw in our backyard.
I attempted to recreate it so here is my version.

Happy Crafting!!
Mel =)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Family Sign with Shells

This sign wasn't necessarily on Pinterest (I'm sure there's something like it somewhere) but my mom wanted a sign for by our fire pit.  She ended up liking it so much she hung it by our front door!
She wanted it to have the family names on there so I came up with the idea of a beach with each real shell and sand dollar representing one of us. 

What you need:
Paint (in your choice of colors, we made this one look like a sunset)
Mini Sand Dollars (you can get them in a little basket at a Hobby Lobby)
Rope (for the hanger)
Hot glue gun

It is easy enough to do.
I am definitely not the most artistic person (I would say with all this practice I am getting better tho!) but it is a fairly simple picture.

I mixed the background the color I wanted, then mixed the sand color.

After that I wrote "The Joyce's" on it and then painted the birds, the clouds, the sun 
and the palm tree.

After that you just glue on the shells as you would like them placed.
Here I have them place with the shells as the guys and the sand dollars as the girls.
We don't know what my sisters baby will be yet so I just made it a shell to match the pattern. (It's the baby shell in the middle. So cute!)
We all have room to grow with our families, so we can add on later!

In order the biggest shell is my dad and then my mom.
My sister and her fiancĂ©.
My other pregnant sister and her husband.
And then me! lol

I put everyones initials under the shells, really small so they don't make it look weird.
You can do whatever you'd like with this project, it doesn't have to be a beach.
I just thought it would be cute with the shells as everyone!

The finished product, outside by the door!

Lots more projects to come, already have 4 more lined up!
I am going to start trying to post every Monday, so stay tuned!

Happy Crafting!
Mel =)