Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dog Food Bucket

Well here is one that is a little more complicated if your not artistically inclined.  
I can kind of paint, but I am in no way an artist =/

All you need is:
A container of your choice
Spray paint
Acrylic paint
Paint brushes 
Printed Letter Stencils

First I spray painted the garbage can after tapping off the button to keep it gray

After that dried to cut out letters printed off of Microsoft Word.  
I picked a font I liked and put it in size 300 font.

After I printed them I stenciled them on the garbage can and started to paint.

It took about 4 coats of white since I had such a dark backdrop.

 This is the lid
 Then just hand draw or stencil whatever you want on it.
In my case I did the FSU spear!

 Finished Spear

 And the finished product!

Happy Crafting!
Melodie =)